Intermittent Fasting and the Keto Diet

What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting trending nowadays as a weight loss regime. As studies prove that our body can go without food for several hours and even days. That’s the basic concept behind intermittent fasting. In this, you don’t eat for some time each day or week. Some popular approaches to intermittent fasting include

Alternate fasting: in this have a normal meal one day and skip or have a very small meal the very next day.

5:2 fasting: Have normal meals 5 days a week and total fast on two days.

Daily time restricting fasting: Eat normally but within 8 hours duration.

What is a keto diet?

Today in the present world, it seems that every second person is following the keto diet. The reason is obvious: dramatic weight loss in a very short amount of time, whereas other diet plans take a lot more time to achieve the same results. The keto diet emphasizes low-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, and high-fat diets, with carb intake limited to 20-50 grams per day. As a result, the body enters the stage of ketosis where fat cells are burned to release fatty acids which are the immediate source of energy.

Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Some studies suggest that intermittent fasting is as successful in weight loss as any other low-calorie diet. It also helps to improve your health. Losing weight and remaining physically active can improve many obesity-related issues, sleep disorders, and certain cancers. Also, it helps in improving conditions associated with inflammation like Alzheimer’s, Asthma, Arthritis, and Stroke.

Benefits of a keto diet

It supports weight loss. The keto diet consists of foods that fill you up. So basically it increases metabolism and reduces appetite, enabling you to achieve your goals. By reducing carb intake, the keto diet proves to be effective for treating acne in some people. It may reduce the risk of certain cancers. May improve heart health. Reduces seizures. Improved PCOS.

What is the difference between a keto diet and intermittent fasting?

While the keto diet simply emphasizes lowering carbs intake hardly up to 20-50 grams per day, using fats as a primary source of energy. On the other hand, intermittent fasting doesn’t restrict anything but works by simply moderating the eating plans.

What is the relationship between a keto diet and intermittent fasting?

The keto diet is a restrictive high-fat diet, whereas intermittent fasting is a normal but time-restrictive diet. Both have a good list of health benefits they used to provide. But because of restrictions sometimes found to be difficult.

The bottom line

Both diets have their benefits if done properly and regularly. These diets may be safe for many people, but not for all. If you are suffering from a certain chronic disease or are pregnant, or breastfeeding, then it’s advisable to talk to your doctor before starting any sort of diet.

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