Heart Happy, Kidney Healthy

An explicable bond, interlinked together since forever: the heart and the kidney. If your heart is affected, your kidneys will suffer, and vice versa. Let me explain today how.

The heart is the primary organ in the cardiovascular system that contracts via its pacemaker to
produce electrical impulses. It is the one muscle that circulates oxygen-rich blood throughout your
body. It keeps every cell, tissue, organ, and mechanism inside your body alive and healthy.
Your heart is reliant on its coronary arteries to transport blood to every corner of your body. The
heart, blood, and blood arteries collectively form a system known as “the cardiovascular
system.” Its single-most important job is to keep you alive by transporting oxygen and nutrients
throughout your body and picking up waste materials for elimination, while circulating fresh
blood to the body.

Now the kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that are just about the size of a folded fist.
Located just below your rib cage, to the left and right of your spine, your kidneys serve as
powerful factories to excrete materials from your bloodstream. It is also in charge of controlling the blood pressure. It keeps
bones robust and helps in the production of red blood cells. That way, it helps maintain a
healthy mineral balance in your blood (such as salt, phosphorus, and potassium).

A healthy cardiovascular and renal system is essential to keep you alive and well. The heart
and kidneys constitute the two vital organs in the body that come together to keep you healthy.
If one gets affected, the other suffers as well. Your heart may influence your kidneys’ health,
and your kidneys can influence your heart’s health. The heart circulates oxygen-rich blood
throughout your body, including the kidneys. The kidneys filter the blood, eliminating waste and
excess water. They are codependent on each other. Your blood would be full of debris and
water without the kidneys. Your kidneys would not be able to function without the oxygen-rich
blood supplied by the heart. The heart would have to work too hard or not operate at all without
the assistance of your kidneys.

Medical scholars have been trying to find out more about the relationship between renal illness
and cardiac diseases. It is critical to understand that having a kidney disorder increases your
risk of getting heart disease. Any cardiovascular illness is directly proportional to acquiring a
renal disease. They even share the same risk factors, like diabetes and fluctuations in the blood

What happens under times of crisis?
There are times when the heart is unable to pump properly and it becomes clogged with blood.
This results in some organs not receiving their required blood quotient. This increases pressure
in the primary vein leading to the kidneys and causes blood congestion in the kidneys. The
kidneys then also suffer from a lack of oxygenated blood.

Similarly, when your kidneys fail, the system that is in charge of blood pressure goes into
overdrive to enhance blood flow to the kidneys at all costs. The heart is then forced to pump
against increased artery pressure, and ultimately suffers from cardiac arrest as a result of this
increased exertion.

Doctors frequently check the health of your kidneys if they suspect you are
at risk of acquiring a heart disease. This can be assessed by a simple blood test to confirm the production of creatinine, a waste product secreted by the kidneys, has been increased. If
affirmative, then this would mean indicating impairment. Some people even need to do an
ultrasound or CT scan to check the anatomy and functioning of their kidneys. Most people
however, do not spend too much time thinking about the kidneys till they suddenly feel
uncomfortable peeing, or pain in their lower abdomen.

Luckily, tracking down what is causing
the problem is not that hard. If you are doing something to risk a cardiac illness, it is also
probably causing the kidney to malfunction. Similarly, what you do to reduce your risk of heart
disease also helps your kidneys stay healthy. Diabetes and high blood pressure can both
endanger them and cause heart failure and chronic kidney disease (CKD). Having CKD can
place extra strain on the heart, and heart failure can impair renal function. This is a condition
where the kidneys slowly lose their functioning.

Smoking, not exercising, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or obesity are all risk
factors for stroke. Keeping a check on these helps avoid a wide array of fatal cardiovascular
calamities. Proper exercise and healthy eating habits easily avoid the risks procured from the
same diseases. Because both the systems are linked, what is healthy for the heart is also
beneficial for the kidneys, and vice versa.

Controlling high blood pressure is very important; water drugs, often known as diuretics, help
regulate lower blood pressure and eliminate excess fluid by causing the kidneys to excrete more
water and salt. Swollen ankles are a typical sign of excess fluid; consult your doctor if this
occurs frequently. Ace inhibitors (enalapril, ramipril, perindopril, lisinopril), beta blockers
(bisoprolol, carvedilol, nebivolol), and aldosterone blockers (spironolactone, eplerenone) are
known to help soothe down these problems. These prevent the hormone system from becoming
overactive and reduce chances for a heart attack. They can, however, have a deleterious effect
on the kidneys, therefore careful monitoring and periodic blood tests are required to achieve the
proper balance.

These are certain tips that will help you maintain good kidney and heart health. But remember
before adopting any dietary or lifestyle changes, always consult with your healthcare
professional. To keep the heart and kidney relationship in mind, remember that what is healthy
for your kidneys is also excellent for your heart. Maintaining your heart’s health is beneficial to
your kidneys’ health.

Phone: +1 (518) 972-0028
Address: 312 W 2nd St, #356 Casper, Wyoming, -82601 USA