Heartbreak Anniversary

People who get dumped usually retaliate by finding ways to win them back their ex and have another shot with them; while others who leave their ex usually have a crush on someone else and want to impress them. In any case, both sides become quite conscious of how they look in others’ eyes. The “You can’t have me anymore” is the usual motivation behind rushing to the gym and posting updates and essentially proving they are back on the market. It raises their ego while some do it to improve their self-esteem and cope with the immense suffering.

Nevertheless, breakups are very painful. Losing your love leaves a vacuum in your life. We’ve all been there; most of us start going on an excessive number of dating apps or washing down our grief with booze. This triggers a chain reaction of self-depreciative thoughts and lonely, depressive moments. But channeling all of that pain, and unhappiness into having a glow-up is undoubtedly an empowering step when you’re attempting to move on. A breakup frequently destroys your self-esteem as well, leaving you feeling vulnerable and insecure. In this situation, seeking confirmation is only normal. 

Now enters: the Revenge Bod. Straight from the times of Lady Diane, this is a foolproof method to make not only your ex, but the whole world gasp at your glow up. People indulge in revenge body transformations to cope up with the grief and the anger they feel towards their ex-lovers,  and try to feel better about themselves. To avoid difficult feelings during this time, they actually become fixated on eating and exercise. Channeling fat burning as an outlet for their hurt and/or betrayal is now their goal, so that they make their ex regret.

We will suggest that instead of setting strict and unreachable expectations for your body, be patient and start out small. Physical fitness and psychological well-being have to coexist for a healthy lifestyle. Do not become fixated on your appearance because feeling and looking happier is a long way to go. Start to pay attention to your sleeping habits, diet, hydration, movement, exercise, and mental and emotional well-being. Absolutely keep control of how much you stalk them on social media. Do not penalize or force yourself to go to the gym if it’s not something that ever interests you. Instead, find some sort of exercise you genuinely like doing instead, whether it’s a morning stroll, an evening swim, practicing yoga, or engaging in a sport. After your body becomes acquainted with the exertion, then move on to doing more intensive exercises or sports.

It’s crucial to think about why you want to start training your body after a breakup. The current generation is very into retaliating by making revenge bodies. It’s become a way to flaunt your “ideal existence” in front of your ex. Ask yourself if you want your ex to see your change and harbor resentment before you sign up for an expensive gym membership and begin heavily documenting your fitness journey online. Spending endless hours in the gym is nothing more than avoidance and distraction to avoid facing the pain. Weightlifting may temporarily improve your mood, but it won’t make the issue at hand disappear. Unresolved feelings are bound to surface in unexpected ways later in life, or even sooner and make you take some impulsive harmful decisions. 

If that’s the case, we would really suggest you to refrain and start seeking therapy. If all of your motivation came from that sadness, it will eventually crash, or make you break down when the unprocessed grief of losing them finally hits you. Do it all for yourself, and yourself only.

We are not suggesting that committing to working out after a rough breakup is not the right thing to do; many individuals have found that it gives them a sense of purpose in some aspect of their life during this otherwise time of despair. If the focus is only on your well-being, it can be rewarding, because there is nothing better than to feel and look your best and gain control over your life. As you can tell, whatever workout you do, it will only benefit you both physically and mentally.

According to psychologists, the same part of your brain that is triggered when you suffer an injury is also the same part that gets stimulated when you are rejected or lose someone you love. Exercise is an effective way to let go of all the stress, anxiety, anger, and frustration that comes with emotional pain. Your brain releases endorphins as you workout. These are “feel good” chemicals called endorphins that induce sensations of joy, and euphoria. They also aid in pain relief. So in addition to helping you tone your body and lose extra weight, exercise also helps you feel better about yourself and enhance your confidence. So, once again, do it for yourself, and not a failed chapter of your life.

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