Keto diet and weight loss

Normally carbohydrates present in foods are converted to glucose which is then transported around the body and brain to perform various functions.

What is a keto diet?

The keto diet is a very low-carb diet hardly 20-50 grams per day. As compared to other low carbs diets like Atkins, and paleo which are low-carb, moderate-proteins, and low-fat diets it is high fat and moderate-protein diet.

The main aim of the keto diet is to enter your body in the stage of ketosis in which, the body uses fats and proteins as a source of energy instead of glucose. It is a natural metabolic state where the body converts glucose to ketone bodies and burns fats as a source of energy. This results in weight loss very quickly.

How it promotes weight loss?

The keto diet helps to reduce weight. Let’s see how?

It increases metabolism

Unlike other low-carb weight loss regimes which are based on high animal protein diets, the keto diet focuses on getting the body to burn its own stored fats as a source of energy when the diet is deprived of carbs resulting in the deficiency of glucose. Thus promoting fat loss.

Reduces appetite and increases satiety

Hunger is the urgent need for food with a feeling of emptiness in the stomach. On the other hand, appetite is the desire to eat food, usually after seeing, smelling, or even thinking about it. For many people, appetite is a feeling of craving and has very little to do with our actual dietary needs. When you are on the keto diet, your body enters the stage of ketosis, where the body starts using stored body fats. Levels of hormones like leptin, ghrelin, and cholecystokinin increase which may impact your satiety. A diet higher in fat increase the level of cholecystokinin thus increasing satiety. Also, when in ketosis, the level of the hormone adiponectin decreases which reduces appetite.

Also, glucose conversion is an energy-consuming process as compared to the burning of fat. So less energy usage so less hungry you feel.


Don’t start the keto diet just to lose weight or everyone is talking about it. All diet plans are different and respond differently to everyone. For finding the perfect plan and approach to success talk with a trained dietitian.

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