Why am I so blushing???

Ahha! You are blushing. The rosiness of your cheeks makes you look so beautiful. What’s the reason behind it?

Oh, you recently switched over to the keto diet. You always thought that pink cheeks were a symbol of well-being and health. You never had them before pre-keto. I think this is a positive thing. Losing weight along with pink cheeks doubles the benefits of being on keto.

Now let’s have a look at how the keto diet affects our skin.

As you know, when you are on the keto diet it pushes your body to enter a natural metabolic state called ketosis. This is where fats are burned down to provide energy for your body instead of fats and carbs.

This dramatic change has an immediate effect on your overall health and also on your skin. By cutting carbs in your diet you may be targeting the body’s excess inflammation which is a huge promoter of acne. So we can also say that carbs are the prime reason for inflammation in the body. So as inflammation is reduced, the skin looks more clear and radiant.

Furthermore, omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for hair and skin as well.

While the keto diet helps to clear acne, it is not always guaranteed because sometimes it may cause a keto rash in some people at the beginning. After all, every person has a different skin structure.

So if you are planning to embark on keto to get clear, radiant skin please consult your doctor first. After all, keto is not meant for everyone.

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