Therapy for Obesity?

Only the people who are suffering from obesity know what an ordeal it is. It really is not like, you wake up one day and decide to eat healthy and exercise and bam! you are thin again- sometimes the problem is much deep-rooted than that. Impaired connections between the hunger-controlling centers in the brain and memory is the real reason behind obesity.

The lateral hypothalamus (keeps the body stable) and the dorsolateral hippocampus (memory processing center)  controls your emotional responses to treats, and they both get triggered simultaneously in obese people when they think they are about to eat, signifying extremely strong connectivity. This is directly proportional to their Body Mass Index; so people with high BMI have a far more disturbed connection.

 So researchers are now trying to target the hippocampus to treat obesity, using therapy (invasive or not) or other mechanisms. Studies are still very much ongoing, but once it is successful, the results will definitely help improve the functioning of this critical circuit in those who are obese.

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