Reduced Calories, Reduced Aging

Yes, you heard that right! Recent studies conducted by the National Institute on Aging in the USA Showed that if daily calories were reduced by 25% over a time span of two years, participants were able to see almost over 10% rejuvenation in their health! You have to agree that this is a very modest reduction of carbon tech.Such a small price to pay for such an immense Improvement in health and weight maintenance.You do not lose any muscle strength despite losing mass which implies that Calorie restriction impacts the human genes in a way that it upregulates energy generation and higher metabolism, while at the same time reduces inflammation. Now inflammation and ageing usually go hand in hand, so if inflammation reduces so does the speed of ageing.

So now you know that if you eat a little less carbohydrates over the years, you will be able to stay younger longer!

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Address: 312 W 2nd St, #356 Casper, Wyoming, -82601 USA