Keto Diet: a Useful Weight-Loss Tool

The keto diet is a term applied to a low-carb and fat-rich eating plan and has been used for decades to treat certain medical conditions like epilepsy among children for whom only medical treatment wasn’t sufficient. It has also been used to treat certain cancers, heart diseases, and PCOD. But nowadays it’s becoming a fad as a useful weight loss tool.

The idea behind the keto diet is to cut the carb content in your diet and get calories from fats and proteins.

How does this happen?

When you eat a carb-restricted diet i.e. hardly 45-50 grams per day your body eventually gets deprived of glycogen which is the immediate source of energy for the body. As carbs are reduced and fats are increased in the diet, the body enters a metabolic state called ketosis.

What is ketosis?

Ketosis is a metabolic state of the body where fats are used as a source of energy instead of a traditional source of energy i.e. carbohydrates. Ketosis generally occurs when the source of energy, glycogen, is restricted. It generally happens during fasting or when you put your body on a low-carb diet. When your body doesn’t have enough glycogen, an alternative fuel called ketones is produced from accumulated fats. Our brain demands a regular supply of glucose as it can’t store it. It first satisfies its demands with glucose stored in the liver. It then temporarily

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