A Plank for Every Anguish

A Plank for Every Anguish

According to studies, the same zone of our brain that gets stimulated during a physical injury is also the same zone that works up when you lose someone dear to you. It proves that having our hearts shattered is a difficult task and might be...

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Heartbreak Anniversary

Heartbreak Anniversary

People who get dumped usually retaliate by finding ways to win them back their ex and have another shot with them; while others who leave their ex usually have a crush on someone else and want to impress them. In any case, both sides become quite...

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Exercise: The Crux of Weight Loss

Exercise: The Crux of Weight Loss

The process by which the body tries to achieve homeostasis is called energy balance. Without paying daily attention to their caloric intake and output, most people spend the majority of their life being in the same weight range. Energy output...

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Calorie Intake on Keto

Calorie Intake on Keto

The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet that has been relied on for centuries since its discovery to treat particular medical disorders like epilepsy. It was initially used to manage diabetes in the 19th century when it was presented in...

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