
Earlier it took me 4-5 drinks before I felt tipsy. Currently, I have a hangover for the day after just 2 drinks after three weeks of keto.

See what happened yesterday? I hung out last night with my friends and had two drinks. Soon I felt my brain banging in my skull. My stomach felt like it was full of deadly things. I just want to puke. I felt physically drained. It is the most terrible hangover I have ever had. I’m embarrassed about yesterday.

Oh! So sorry. You may hear that keto diets allow alcohol. But there are some things you can do to save yourself from such worst hangovers.

Eating a carb-loaded meal can prevent drunkenness. But when you are on a carb-restricted keto diet, you become intoxicated faster and suffer the most terrible hangover. Let me help you understand this.

When you eat lots of carbs your glycogen stores are filled, so the rate at which you get drunk slows down. We can say that a stomach full of carbs slows alcohol absorption. But by skipping carbs during the keto diet the opposite happens. Since your body isn’t holding any carbs, your glycogen stores are empty and thus your body can absorb alcohol much faster. This reduces your alcohol tolerance and causes the longest hangover.

Some of the worst hangover symptoms are headaches, fatigue, vertigo, and irritability. They can all be summed up as keto diet side effects and can worsen overnight.

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