Health Benefits of the Keto Diet

There is quite a bit of confusion surrounding the keto diet. According to some studies, it is the most effective diet one should follow, while others believe it is just a fad that will soon disappear.

To some extent, we can agree with both views. Not every diet is for everyone, no matter how many people believe it. And the keto diet is not an exception to this.

However, many pieces of research have proven that the keto diet has plenty of benefits when compared to other diets.

In this article, we discuss the science behind the ketogenic diet and how it provides multiple health benefits.

What is the keto diet?

The keto diet is a carb-restricted diet that is just up to 40-45 grams/day while increasing your fat intake. By doing this you send your body into a metabolic state called ketosis, where the body burns fat instead of glucose to get energy. It may take 2-4 days for your body to enter this stage, however, the time it may take depends on various other factors like


Carb and protein intake


Metabolism rate

Stress level

Physical activity level

Several nutrient-rich foods are high in carbohydrates, including whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. As carbs are strictly restricted when you are on the keto diet you have to restrict your loaves of bread, pasta, cereals, and many fruits and vegetables. The food items that should be included when you are on this diet are;




Butter and cheese

Oils such as canola, olive, and coconut oils

Before discussing how the keto diet benefits our health, we should understand the main reason behind it.

Glycogen is the preferred source of energy for the body. When the body is deprived of it, a newly developed pathway is stimulated where ketones provide energy to the body cells. This stage is known as ketosis.  

However, both sugar and ketone bodies as fuel act in different ways in the body. Burning sugar as fuel creates more oxygen-reactive species that may cause damage, inflammation, and even cell death when accumulated. Consuming too much sugar can impair brain function. On the contrary, ketones are a more beneficial energy source and protect brain cells.

Also, by restricting carbs from our diet, we are restricting insulin stimulators, which decrease blood sugar levels, increase fat burning, and reduce inflammation.

Therefore, we can say that a keto diet is comparatively more beneficial than any other diet.

Let’s have a look at the health benefits of the keto diet.

Treatment of epilepsy

The keto diet was primarily used for the treatment of seizures in epileptic children in whom only medication wasn’t sufficient. It was observed that there was a significant fall in the frequency of seizures when they kept on the keto diet.

Was proven helpful in type 2 diabetic patients

The keto diet has been proven successful in lowering the blood insulin level to a healthy level. Therefore, type 2 diabetic patients are benefitted from the keto diet as they experience a decrease in their blood glucose level, so they require fewer medicines.

Reduces appetite

When you are on a high-carb diet, your blood sugar level fluctuates. Hunger is closely related to blood sugar levels. The crash in blood sugar levels increases appetite and vice versa. But when you are on a high-fat diet, you feel full for a longer period, reducing your hunger level. It also diminishes hunger by depressing the hunger hormone ghrelin and boosting the cholecystokinin hormone that makes you feel full.

For the treatment of psychiatric conditions

A recent study was done on adults with persistent mental illness. When kept on the keto diet, depression, and psychiatric conditions improved.

Weight loss

When on the keto diet the person consumes mainly fats rather than carbs. Fats make us feel full for a longer time and suppress our appetite, promoting weight loss.

Improves heart health

Certain fats like saturated fats and trans fats are not healthy for the heart. While on a keto diet, increase the number of polyunsaturated fats in your diet. You should avoid sugar, vegetable oils, and processed foods. Eat fish, avocados, and olives. Also regularly check your biomarkers to rule out CVD risks.

May reduce the risk of certain cancers

The keto diet is considered safe and suitable to be used along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy in people with certain cancers. Some studies suggest that this is because it causes more oxidative stress in cancer cells as compared to normal cells.

Cure acne

Acne is a skin condition that commonly occurs during puberty but can occur at any age. It is normally not dangerous but can leave scars. Processed food and high blood sugar levels may aggravate the condition of acne. The keto diet is a low-carb diet, so blood sugar levels dip down, and the intake of processed food is inhibited on the keto diet, thus reducing acne problems in some people.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) PCOS is often marked by a hormonal imbalance that results in irregular periods and infertility issues. Women with PCOS have many issues as they are obese and it is difficult for them to lose weight, prone to type 2 diabetes, increased facial hair, acne, etc. A limited study on a few women suggests that women following the keto diet show reduction in PCOS syndrome and show improvement in reproductive hormones.

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